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Building a project/Basic features

View these short videos to learn how to build and modify data collection instruments. Note, videos are from older versions of REDCap, but functionality is consistant. (Video credits: Project REDCap; Table design: University of Chicago)

Feature Description Watch Video
Introduction to Instrument Development An introduction to the Online Designer and Data Dictionary methods of instrument development. Intro to Instrument Development (6 min)
Online Designer This online tool is the quickest and most intuitive method for making instrument modifications. Online Designer (5 min)
Data Dictionary The Data Dictionary is your project structure in a downloadable spreadsheet file. The spreadsheet can be modified and uploaded into REDCap to make instrument modifications. To see an example, download the Data Dictionary demonstration file. Data Dictionary (10 min)
Project Field Types An illustration of some popular field types. Project Field Types (4 min)
Applications Overview A brief exploration of the most popular built-in tools. Applications Overview (5 min)
The Calendar This tool organizes your study by tracking upcoming milestones and events. The Calendar (7 min)
Scheduling Module This is an optional feature in longitudinal projects. The tool generates record-specific schedules based on a series of events or timepoints. Used with the calendar module, this tool greatly streamlines longitudinal data entry. Scheduling Module (7 min)
Data Access Groups for multi-site projects The Data Access Groups feature assigns users to groups. Any user in a Data Access Group may only access their group's records. Each group is blinded to all other data/records. Users not in a group can access all data across all groups. This feature is especially useful for multi-site projects because each data collection site must usually be restricted from viewing other sites' records. Data Access Groups (7 min)